[a muse]
lately i've been thinking about this a lot, but how about we just don't care about anything anymore? about the social norms, about the beauty standards, about "how to look cool", about "how to be THAT girl", about "how to be effortlessly aesthetic", about "how to get rich quickly", about what people say, basically about rushing ourselves to get to somewhere we think we should be?? about changing who we are into someone we are not???
because with all of these, we can't enjoy who we are fully, and i hate that for us. how about we just minding our own business while still not comparing any of it to others??? it seems so fun and much cooler, isn't it?
and maybe we can just try to not be influenced by whatever the media told us what to do? and just do us, do ourselves, see better, listen better, understand better. do something for us only, not for the crowd, not to impress, not to flex.
oh God, just please do anything for the sake of ourselves, because that's how we bring impact to this world.