Life's kinda tough lately, isn't it? Keep looking for directions and try to find a way to get to the destination.
But isn't that the purpose why we were born? Process to be able to survive in life, writing a long journey in a short life.
Lately I'm often grateful for what I get, even if it's not a big thing or something I really hope for. But I'm still grateful for it. I think it's okay, the results I get from my struggle are not as expected, after all, the essence of struggling is to make us learn and not repeat the same mistakes, right?
Letting go of things we really want is not easy, but still we have to make peace with reality.
So just be grateful for what we got today, even the smallest thing is still a fortune. Keep trying, you won’t die if you fail once but you will regret it if you don’t try. Today I am grateful for what I got and for what I have. Tomorrow, next week, or next year I’ll still be grateful for anything in my life.